Hawaii Wildlife Conservation Stamp 2022
Posted by Joanna Maney on
The Wildlife Conservation Stamp gives Hawai‘i residents the opportunity to celebrate native Hawaiian birds while raising funds for conservation not only through hunting licenses, but also as community members interested in conservation, and stamp collecting enthusiasts nationwide. This year marks the first year the state of Hawai‘i is offering two separate conservation stamps. The Wildlife Conservation Stamp is required on state hunting licenses and the Game Bird Stamp is required to hunt game birds specifically. Both stamps raise funds for programs that protect the native ecosystems where native birds like the ‘i‘iwi live.
It has been a wonderful opportunity for me to have my artwork featured on this year's conservation stamp. I'm so honored to have a painting of my favorite bird in my favorite place depicted on a stamp that will raise so much funding for conservation. I chose to paint a parent and juvenile ‘i’iwi together after learning that people unfamiliar with the species often conclude that they are two different species of birds entirely. It's easy to see how someone might think that--the juveniles are yellow, black and gray and orange speckled and they lose their yellow feathers entirely as they mature into the stunning, bright red adults. I love to see photos of the chicks maturing, you never see the same progression of feather color changes, each bird is unique.
Stamps are available for collectors to purchase from DLNR (Department of Land and Natural Resources) as of July 1, 2022 by calling (808) 587-0166 or by visiting the Division of Forestry and Wildlife office located at 1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 325, Honolulu, HI 96813.